

Defense Secretary Hegseth will be in Guåhan sometime over the upcoming week.

It will be part of a trip that takes him to Hawaii, Philippines and Japan as well. Our island home was mentioned specifically as a military facility during his confirmation hearing so it would be good for him to get acquainted.

I wonder what he will see, but more importantly who will he actually see.

In the DoD press release, the secretary will visit “civilian and military” leaders in Hawaii, the Philippines and Japan but he is only “expected to tour the military facilities and receive capabilities briefs” in Guåhan.

Of course, this is easily rectified and I am sure that he will take a picture with the Maga’haga Leon Guerrero sometime during the visit.

Depending on what he does and says here will reflect what he thinks we are at base. Are we little more than a base for military operations? Are we really part of the American homeland on this side of the international dateline? Will he say that Guam and the Micronesian region are the second island chain defense line?

Then he will have to explain how the Philippines and most of Japan, including Okinawa, fit into that. Maybe the COFA states will be invited for an expected grin and grip.

More importantly, what will our local leaders call for during his visit? Over the years, we have heard the refrain that Guam should “leverage” its military importance for some unspecified goal. This should be a signature opportunity to exert that leverage. I am wondering what they actually mean by “leverage” and how they will apply it.

I have a specific suggestion. The continuing resolution has put out of focus the DoD request for Fiscal Year 2025 for 178 family housing for accompanied enlisted Marines. This will help alleviate the shortage, which is actually 750 units. The request is obvious. Given the widespread latitude that he has under the continuing resolution, will he support funding that housing now?

It is within his scope and control. It is doable.

I guess our local leaders will ask for many things. We may hear everything from building a hospital (which is not in his scope of interest) to advancing statehood as a strategic move against China (which is way beyond his pay grade).

Contemplating broader moves against China requires talking to Elon Musk. And only one person can talk to him and he is golfing right now.

We may also hear some claims about veteran services. Of course, he will proclaim solemn support for people who wore the uniform (unless you are transgender or the beneficiary of DEI) while the Trump administration upends those same services.

In the new administration, any minority achievement is immediately suspect. I wonder if they will stop saying that General Blaz was one of the first minority general officers in the Marine Corps. Other proud CHamoru achievements may get a sideways look by the revised definition of “equal opportunity.”

In the meantime, I hope that Team Guam actually becomes like a “tag team” in wrestling. The governor, the speaker, and the delegate have to develop a script just like they have in “professional wrestling.”

This is something the Trump administration is familiar with, especially with new Secretary of Education McMahon, who remains a major shareholder of WWE.

The team should be planning right now. You ask for this, I will ask for this. You slap him, you praise him. Absent that, we will hear the usual.

Hegseth was “supportive and eager” to hear about our Guåhan issues. The secretary will follow up on our concerns.

In any actual meeting, they will display “inafa’maolek,” present him with guyuria and thank him profusely. They can write the press release now.

There is one glaring hole in his visit. He isn’t going to South Korea. Does this signal anything? Of course, he may be too busy making a new arrangement with the Philippines. He will miss out on some great shopping while the ROK armed forces might start planning for an independent nuclear force just to protect themselves. The new world order is spawning a new nuclear disorder.

In the DoD release announcing his trip, the secretary looks forward to some great PT (physical training) with the troops. I know that Hegseth can probably outrun Admirals DeVore and Huffman, as well as General Palenske. But I am sure all of them can outthink him. It will be a test of their forbearance for them while it will be a test of obsequious behavior for our local folks.

Put fabot!

Robert Underwood is Guam’s former delegate in the U.S. House of Representatives, former president of the University of Guam, and now chairman of the Guam-based think tank Pacific Center for Island Security.

(2) comments

Mathew P

In the book "Fourth Turning" (Howe and Strauss), it describes the cycles of civilization over the last 500 years that last about 80-100 years and within those cycles, there are turnings or seasons. First is the High (post 1945), followed by Awakening (Movements of one kind of another), then the Unraveling (Reagan Revolution) and ends with Crisis which is the period we are in, which started 2008, should end by 2028-2030. Biblically, it matches the generational cycle since it is written that when Israel becomes a nation (1948) that would be the last generation. A generation is classified as a length of a lifespan, typically 80 to a 100 years. That means the Second Coming of Christ is slated to be somewhere between 2028 and 2048. Of course, it could happen anytime but not until everyone has had a chance to hear the gospel. I'm thinking if that's why Trump is planning something vs China because the last group of people that haven't heard the Gospel are Buddhists. For the Guam connection, I'm at a loss for words as it could range from collateral damage to maybe nothing to worry about.


Witty and articulate, thank you.

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